
Choosing your advertisement service:

The first step of the ordering process is to choose a vendor that you want to purchase an advertisement from.

If you wish, you can continue shopping

If you want to try out advertisement services from other vendors, feel free to continue to shop around.

With our shopping cart platform, you can purchase advertisements from multiple vendors in one order.

After choosing the advertisement service(s) you want to purchase, click 'Add to Cart'.

Add the Shout-Out service package to the shopping cart

Once you decide the service(s) that you want to purchase, the first step to making payment is by visiting the shopping cart.

Here you will be able to see an overview of the service(s), including the vendor name, and the advertisement service price.

From here you can change the amount of advertisements that you want to buy (if you do decide to change the quantity, don't forget to click 'Update Cart' to save the changes.)

Proceed to the Check Out page

Now that you know the advertisements that you want to purchase, it is now time to click on the 'Proceed to Checkout' button.

On this page, you will be requested to add your billing address and your desired account username and password.

After you are finished with adding your billing address and account log-in information for the website, now you must click on the 'Place Order' button.

Adding the picture and content for your advertisement

After the payment has been made for the advertisement service, you will then be re-directed to our website's account login page.

Here you will have to use your username and password that you created as you were filling out the check-out page (if you didn't save it or forgot what it was, don't worry as you will receive and email from us including of details on how to reset your password).

Upon logging in, you will then see where you can upload the image and content that you want for your advertisement.

After submitting this, please be patient as it may take up to 48 hours for the vendor(s) to publish the advertisement (we always do our best to have your advertisement published as soon as possible).

Placing the Order

As our payment platform is powered via PayPal, one of the world's most secure payment service, you will be redirected to PayPal's payment check-out web page.

From PayPal's check-out page, you can either use their secure credit card payment option, or you can pay directly from your PayPal account (when paying from your PayPal account, they will require you to login to the account before placing the order).

Add the Shout-Out service package to the shopping cart

Once you decide the service(s) that you want to purchase, the first step to making payment is by visiting the shopping cart.

Here you will be able to see an overview of the service(s), including the vendor name, and the advertisement service price.

From here you can change the amount of advertisements that you want to buy (if you do decide to change the quantity, don't forget to click 'Update Cart' to save the changes.)

Adding the picture and content for your advertisement

After the payment has been made for the advertisement service, you will then be re-directed to our website's account login page.

Here you will have to use your username and password that you created as you were filling out the check-out page (if you didn't save it or forgot what it was, don't worry as you will receive and email from us including of details on how to reset your password).

Upon logging in, you will then see where you can upload the image and content that you want for your advertisement.

After submitting this, please be patient as it may take up to 48 hours for the vendor(s) to publish the advertisement (we always do our best to have your advertisement published as soon as possible).